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Simple REST notifications API

Get notified through email, sms, chat and app notifications with a POST request!

Get started in < 5 mins

* No credit card required

"Simple notifications platform."
curl -X POST<CHANNEL_ID> -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"event_type": "app_restart", "event_meta": "user_service" }'

We allow metadata to be sent in the request body. This is used to slice and dice logs and customize the notifications to be sent. More on this in our documentation!

Out of box support for events triggered from

notification snapshot

and more being worked on ...

Get notifications sent to your chosen destinations

notification snapshot

... more in the works

Without maintaining any code!

notification snapshot
notification snapshot
notification snapshot
notification snapshot

Keep the team in sync

Keep pushing the non-critical updates out on a shared channel and let the critical ones get to the right users
  • Send updates on chat channels and team emails for tracking
  • Get alerted about unusual infrastructure activities
  • Get alerted about async or cron task failures
  • Consume digest of daily system health instead of getting alerts on non actionable events

Customized subscriber experience

Use the service as a broadcasting platform or let the users customize the importance of the channel for themselves
  • Let the subscribers choose the priority for themselves. An alert for a developer might be high, but the VP of Engg might be low
  • In other words it's embarissing for a developer when the CTO tells them about a faliure they caused!
  • Host a button on your service page for anyone to ping you regarding queries
  • Templating option available for creating dynamic messages filled with notification context

Trigger analytics

Tracking and triggering analytics are generated automatically and available for slicing and dicing
  • Out of the box basic tacking analytics available as soon as you fire notifications
  • Build company dashboards for everyone to look at everyday (place them on a TV in the common area)!
  • Actionable insight generation (comin soon)

Build against our API

We provide all data back in consumable API form for you to build your own workflows
  • Integrate with your CI / CD integrations to block builds if a success notification is not fired
  • Integrate with your current APMs, to triggers alerts as any graph value spikes
  • Your call .. We can't wait to hear how you plan to consume this data!

Setup notifications in < 5 mins

Start Free
No credit card required